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Indian Air Force Recruitment 2020 Online Application Form

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2020:- Apply Online For IAF Recruitment 2020 and Fill Online Application Form For Group X, Y & Group C Posts. Check IAF Selection Process, Eligibility Criteria and Educational Qualification related all details. The Indian Air Force is one of the most promising unit of the Indian Military which is been entrusted over the aerial or the air space of the nation of India. The Indian Air Force is all about aviation where the unit is considered to be a specialist which in the modern era is one of the essential to cover in order to maintain the national security.

The armed unit of the Indian Air Force is one of the firms and a very strong outfit of the Indian Military which in course of time since its establishment has made numerous contributions to the nation in time of such extreme situations to overcome those times of conflicts. Every now and then the Indian Aif Force has produce some of the best servicemen who have served their country with bravery and honor has been brought to the country. All candidates who want to Join Indian Air Force they need to keep update with official website for latest Indian Air Force Bharti 2020.

Air Force is a field of service where the service men are to remain alert and ready to face nay sort of challenges and the uncertain situations which threatens the nation. Is is a challenging field of service for any individual who desires to be recruited into the Air Force to serve their motherland through the
Air Force.

Therefore  every cadets who have applied for the recruitment of the Indian Air Force will have to clear through al the series or the stage of the Indian Air Force that is conducted for the recruitment new cadets. But before being selected for the recruitment the cadets are required to qualify under the eligibility and the qualifications which is the most basic and a compulsory criteria for the candidates looking to be selected for the Air Force.

IAF Recruitment 2020 - Indian Air Force Application Form 2020

The Indian Air Force is composed of the three major unit which is the concrete foundation upon which the Indian Air Force stands high. These units are categorized based according to their field of service or trade.
  1. Flying Branch
  2. Technical Branch
  3. Ground Branch

The above mentioned three branches are the most integral part of the Indian Air Force and the duties they have been appointed are of diverse nature,and the service personnel are selected and trained according to the branch for which the cadets have applied for in the Indian Air Force.

To be selected through the recruitment for any individual is not as easy but it the other way around because to be selected the candidates have to face tough competition among themselves and the selection process being conducted at its toughest level makes the selection of new cadets even more challenging. Candidates need to fill Indian Air Force Application Form 2020 for apply any one post.

Cadets who desire to offer their service to the Indian Air Force can apply for the different branches of the armed force under the unit or the branches as mentioned above. To make it clear the initial duties of each branch for which they have been appointed for varies among the branches.

Flying Branch:- This branch of the IAF is a unit of service personnel such as the pilots, transport pilots, helicopter pilots. These post are for the service personnel who are the active flying branch of the IAF.

Technical Branch:- This branch of the IAF is considered to be a delicate and a critical branch to as under the wings of the IAF. The service personals of this branch are specialized in the field of mechanical electronics which is a section for some of the sophisticated mechanical equipment there is to be.

Ground Branch:- This branch of the IAF can be considered the backbone of the entire IAF unit because of the reason that the presence of the ground branch makes the overall unit to function smoothly and which the assistance of the ground branch personnel the other branch can focus upon the general duties entrusted to them. The ground branch personnel are appointed in the section of administration, accounts, logistics, education , etc.

Indian Air Force Group X Y Recruitment 2020 Notification

All candidates need to fill IAF Application Form 2020 from the official website and then apply for anyone post. Online registration is mandatory for all candidates. Further on we will discuss the overall recruitment process and the basic and compulsory eligibility and the qualifications that is required for any cadet who desires to apply for the recruitment.
  • Organization Name:- Air Force
  • Post Details:- Group C and X Y Posts
  • Official website:-
  • Advertisement Date:- Released 
  • IAF Group X Y For Start Date:- 15 December 2017 
  • Form Submission Last Date:- 12th January 2018
Every interested cadets must go through all the information that will be provided.Doing so the candidates will obtain the total information and the knowledge which in time will prove to be helpful to the candidates providing them with the proper idea regarding the IAF recruitment.

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2020 Eligibility Criteria & Qualification Details

Age Limit:The Air Force offers various types of entries which in turn makes the factor of age limit diverse based according to the of entry the cadets will be undergoing. Check here Indian Air Force Eligibility Criteria 2020 and apply for any post according your eligibility. Such entries along with their age limit factor is mentioned as followed:

Officer Entry Level:-
  • NDA Entry: 16 years and 6 months to 19 years.
  • Graduate (Flying Branch): 19 years to 23 years.
  • Graduate (Technical branch):18 years to 28 years.
  • Graduate(Ground Branch): 20 years to 23 years/20 years to 25 years(post-graduate cadets/engineering).
Airmen Entry Level:-
  • Cadets with educational qualification of matric pass or lower: 16 years to 20 years.
  • Cadets with 12th pass qualification: 16 years to 22 years.
  • Diploma Qualification: 16 years to 22 years.
  • Graduate cadets: 20 years to 25 years.
  • Post-Graduate individuals: 20 years to 28 years.
Educational Qualification:- 
  • Cadets who have passed 10+2(Science) or equivalent educational qualification are eligible to apply for the IAF recruitment.
  • Engineering students are liable to appear the IAF recruitment through the UES(University Entry Scheme) entry.
  • Cadets with a post-graduate qualifications are eligible to apply for the ground branch IAF recruitment through the AFCAT.
Marital Status:- Unmarried for all the branches.

Nationality:- Indian Citizen.

The cadets who desire to apply for the IAF recruitment for various post under the three branches of the service will be required to qualify under the prescribed criteria to ensure to appear the written exams that are conducted by the supervision of UPSE,CDSE,NDA etc.

These criteria will ensure the eligibility of the cadets to appear the entrance exams. Before we discuss about the recruitment process or the selection process of the IAF recruitment here are some of the qualities which in case a cadet has been gifted with and which will be of some advantage to the cadets:-
Risk takes, love for adventures, philosophical and should know the value of life, hardworking, must be of a very calm and composed nature.

Indian Air Force (IAF) Recruitment 2020 Selection Process 

The selection process of the IAF is a challenging task and the toughness level of the exams are well known by the candidates because out of a massive number of enrolled candidates only handful of cadets are selected after the selection process is completed.

The selection process is conducted on the basis of various test of the cadets and each of the test are diverse as these test are based on their specific quality or the ability of the cadets. Check below Indian Air Force Selection Process 2020 details. The cadets who are eligible to appear the IAF recruitment will have to pass through the selection process of the following:-
  1. Written Exam/Entrance Exam
  2. Physical Test
  3. SSB Test
  4. Medical Test
  5. Final Merit List
1).Written Exam:-

The cadets are require to clear the written test that is conducted by the UPSC and the respective authorities and the candidates are to clear this stage of the selection in order  to ensure their selection for the next phase of the selection process.

Each candidates who clear the written test or the entrance exam conducted by the concerned authorities or the boards are then selected for the further selection process. The written test is basically conducted based on the intelligence ability of the cadets which cover the topics of such as general knowledge, general awareness, maths, and such. Only those candidates who clear the entrance exams are then called for the following selection process.

2).Physical Test:- 

The physical test is based on the examination of the physical standards of the cadets who have been shortlisted from the entrance exams.The cadets are tested in the physical criteria of height, weight, and chest measurement. However, there are various physical standard criteria for different category of cadets and special relaxation are offered.

3).SSB(Staff Selection Board):- 

The test that is conducted by the SSB is comprised of the test conducted on the field of psychological tests, interviews, group tasks, conferences. These test are conducted particularly to test the leadership qualities of the cadets shortlisted after the physical fitness test. The test is conducted for the candidate who have been selected through the NDA, CDSE and UPSE entry type.

4).Medical Test:- 

The medical test is considered to be a very important and latter phase of the selection stages where the cadets are examined interms of their medical standards which is must for the cadets if the individual desires to be selected in the final merit list.

The medical test is conducted to test the medical criteria such as the medical as well as the mental health of the cadets,eyesight, hearing ability etc.If any cadets is found to be suffering from any sort of long-term illness will be rejected during the medical test. Therefore the cadets should be medically fit in order to clear the medical test.

5).Final Merit List:- 

Candidates who have been selected through the selection phase that is conducted as mentioned above then will be called for the final screening or the final selection and the final shortlisting of the cadets are done based on the merit list.

Only those cadets who have cleared all the stages of the selection test will be called up for the final screening. The merit list of the cadet are made according to the performance of the cadets throughout the selection test.

Hence the candidate who have scored better and higher marks in overall performance or in aggregate will have higher chances of being selected for their initial training before being commissioned.

Therefore the candidate who have applied for the IAF recruitment through the NDA,CDSE, and UPSE entry type will have to go through and clear all the above mentioned criteria and the initial phases of the selection test.

Indian Air Force IAF Recruitment 2020 - Group X & Group Y Details 

The AFCAT asl known as the Air Force Common Admission Test is conducted under the supervision of the AIF which holds the recruitment of new cadets according to the vacancies that are available for the various post or the trades under its wings.

The cadets who have been found to be eligible to appear the AFCAT entrance exams are required to clear the integral phase of the selection test which is the written exam conducted by the IAF for the various post. The written exam is conducted as one common exam for all the trades of the IAF.
The written exams are conducted for the three major branches of the IAF such as:-
  • Flying Branch
  • Technical Branch
  • Ground Branch
The written exams conducted for the various branches of the IFA is composed of the following pattern:-
  • The examination will be for a duration of 2 hours.
  • The questions are set in a multiple-choice pattern.
  • The topics that are covered by the written exam are generally from the verbal ability, numerical ability, general awareness, military aptitude, intelligence test of the candidates.

The candidates must clear the written test in order to be selected for the next phase of the selected test which is conducted by the authorities of the SSB.

SSB Test:- 

The test phase is comprised of the following phase and the test of the cadets under the following section:-

Psychology Test:- Candidates are are examined to test their psychological standards or the mental standards.
Group Test:- This test is to determine the leadership quality and the ability of the cadets.
Interviews:- Ii is conducted basically to determine the personalities of the cadets.
Board Conference:- This test is similar to the group test where random questions are asked to the crowd of the cadets.
Documents verification:- The cadets are to produce the required documents when required.

CPSS (Computerized Pilot Selection System) /PABT:- This test is conducted only for the cadets who have applied for the flying branch of the AIF. Therefore to ensure the selection the individuals must clear the test.

Medical Test:- The candidates who are selected through all the test are finally required to pass the medical test which is conducted by the medical authorities on the basis of the medical criteria prescribed for the recruitment's of new cadets. Any cadet who is declared to be unfit will not be selected for the training phase of the recruitment.

The recruitment through the AFCAT is held based on the vacancies available,hence the recruitment dates are not always schedule or set on a particular day. The AFCAT recruitment will be held as soon as the vacancies are available for the selection of new cadets.

All candidates who want to apply for Indian Air Force Group X Y Recruitment 2020, they need to fill Indian Air Force Group X Y Online Form 2020 from the official site. Hope the information that we have provided will be helpful to the interested cadets for the information related to the IAF. Individuals with any queries are welcome to state it on the comments below,and we will be obliged to help you out with the best of our knowledge.


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