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Indian Army Religious Teacher Syllabus In Hindi - RT JCO Exam Pattern PDF

Join Indian Army Religious Teacher JCO Syllabus In Hindi:- Download RT JCO Exam Pattern PDF 2020 and check Junior Commission Officer Syllabus PDF 2020 & Question Paper details. Indian Army has been the most important armed force unit of the Indian Military which has taken huge number off service men under its wings with various trades of the service. Among these various trades which offered new cadets to serve the armed force the trade as a religious teacher or guru is one trade which is offered by the Indian Army to those individuals who seek their recruitment as the religious teacher in the service.

The trade or the post of religious teacher is also known as the JCO or the Junior Commission Officer under the Indian Military. There are various trade or post under the JCO as a religious teacher for which the individuals can apply for according to the religious background of the interested individual.

Unlike the recruitment held for the various trades the recruitment of new cadets for the specific post of religious teacher are held depending upon the vacancies that are available in for the trades for various religious teacher. However to be selected as a religious teacher under the Indian Army the candidates must be well qualified in terms of educational qualification and should posses the specific religious knowledge for the particular post of the religious teacher.

The candidates who have enrolled for the recruitment of religious teacher are selected through the various sets of selection test which is conducted for the post and which the candidates must clear through to be selected for the selection process. The selection process and the criteria are different when compared to the other post recruitment.

Since the general duty of the religious teacher will be to preach the religious belief to the service and console the wounded and fill the hearts with courage through the words of the religious scriptures of the specific religion. As the word form these holy scriptures ease the pain away and bind the heart of the troubled and which brings peace to the service men throughout their service periods.

Check Here:- Indian Army Technical Syllabus & Army GD Syllabus

Indian Army RT JCO Syllabus & Exam Pattern PDF Download 2020

There are various posts or trades under the religious teacher which provide candidates the opportunity to apply for the various religious teacher post of the Indian Army due to the diverse scale of service men who hail from various religious background,therefore the requirement for various religious teacher to help out the  service men in times of extreme situations.

The various post or religious teacher for different religious background which is offered by the Indian Army are mentioned below:-
  • Pandit.
  • Granthi.
  • Padre(Father/Pastor).
  • Maulvi.
  • Pandit.(Gorkha).
  • Maulvi.
  • Bodh/Monk.
However to be selected as a religious teacher is also not a easy task because not every individual can live up to the expectations as prescribed by the selection board for religious teacher post which is examined through the various sets of test that are to be conducted during the recruitment selection process.

Like for the recruitment of other various trades the cadets are required to pass through each and every selection process which is conducted is the same case in terms of  religious teacher recruitment of new candidates.
The candidate have to go through the series of test but there are some difference in terms of selection process of religious teacher when to other trades recruitment.

It is suggested to every individuals that before applying for the Indian Army religious teacher recruitment the cadets should have the proper information and the overall idea regarding every recruitment phases and the selection process that is conducted.

Although  every set of the selection test is important for the candidates which they should clear to ensure their selection  but among the sets of selection process the written exam is most important for every candidates.

Since the selection test of Physical fitness,medical ability depends upon the ability and the standards in respective field makes its easier to understand and prepare for these test.But in case of written exams there are various factors to be taken under consideration regarding the syllabus the exam pattern as such.

Therefore in this article we will deal with the information regarding the entire written exam details so that the candidates will be able to acquire the required information of the written exam and provides the individuals with the wider idea for their preparation.

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Indian Army RT (Religious Teacher) JCO Exam Pattern 2020 PDF

When compared to the exam pattern of religious teacher to the other trades exam pattern it can be seen that the pattern set for the religious teacher of Indian Army is not so difficult or complicated at all. Since for the trade of religious teacher the candidates must clear the exams with the passing marks as set for the selection of the trades according to the pattern. Check below RT JCO Exam Pattern 2020.

Hence for the individuals to understand the exam pattern in a overall manner by providing the correct and genuine information which has been gathered through the information extracted form the various legit sites ans as well as the official website of the Indian Army( because the basic agenda of this article is to the provide the best information to the individuals who have trouble gathering the information regarding the written exam pattern for the religious teacher.
Therefore the exam pattern for the Religious teacher/JCO trade of Indian Army are mentioned below:-

The written exam for the religious teacher/JCO trade i conducted on the basis for 2 different section which comprises different set pf topics or subjects.
  1. Total marks:-200 marks
  2. Marks per Section:- Section 1 (100 marks) & Section 2 (100 marks).
  3. Passing Marks: 40 marks.(For each section).
  4. Question Type:- MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions).

The candidates should know that the exams are conducted on the basis of two different sections that consists of two major subjects or the topics which has been prescribed as per the requirement set by the selection board.

However only those candidates who pass in section 1 will be allowed to appear the written exam for section 2, hence getting the required minimum mars for passing the section 1 is mandatory for every candidates.

The candidate will have to score the above mentioned passing marks for each of the section in order to be called for the personal interview which will be taken by the concerned authorities. However the candidates must try to score the highest score possible as the marks obtained by the candidates during the written exams will be the major factor while the merit list is prepared.

Since the exam pattern has been provide in details now further on lets discuss regarding the syllabus as set for the written exam of religious teacher trade.

Indian Army Religious Tecaher/JCO Exam Syllabus PDF 2020

As mentioned earlier that the written exam for the JCO is based on two different sections which covers the different topics of the syllabus that is prescribed. Therefore without the proper information it will be bit difficult for the candidates to prepare for the written exams and in order to clear the written exams the candidates must have the overall information and the knowledge of the topics that makes the entire written exam for the religious teacher post. Here is the RT JCO Syllabus 2020 PDF.

It has been seen that without the proper knowledge and the information on written exams number of candidates have not been able to clear through the phase of the written test because of inadequate information that effects the entire preparation of the candidates.

There following on we are going to provide the best information and the overall topics and the syllabus that are cover for the written exams as prescribed for the post of the religious teachers which the individuals must cover up in order to clear the written test.

As mentioned above that the written test is conducted based on 2 different section ,thus we will discuss according to the section and which are :-


This section is comprised of the important topics under the General Knowledge which covers the topics of such as the current affairs ,global sports news,national and international culture, history, general intelligence, reasoning, general aptitude, general English etc. Since the GK section is a vast section and cover various topics for the written exams so the mentioned below are the overall syllabus and the topics that is covered under the section-1  for the written exams.


The section 2 is the section that is related to the religious knowledge of the candidates regarding to the particular religious teacher the individual has applied for. For exam for the post of religious teacher(Hindu) the candidates must have the overall knowledge related to the religious scripture of the Hindu religion.

General Awareness Syllabus:- 
  • General Science.
  • Current Affairs – National & International.
  • Socio-economic & Political situation.
  • History.
  • Geography.
  • Economic scene.
  • Indian Constitution.
  • Sports.
  • Culture.
  • General Polity.
Therefore this section varies depending upon the religious background of the candidate who has applied for the post of RT/JCO. To be selected through the written test will have to score the minimum passing marks of 40 in each section and the candidate in order to appear the section 2 paper must clear the exam paper of section 1.

So these are all the overall information regarding the syllabus and the exam pattern which might be helpful to those candidates who seek information regarding the religious teacher/JCO of the Indian Army.

Hope the candidates will find the provided information to be useful for their preparation in concern to the written exam for the recruitment of new candidates under the trades of Religious Teacher/JCO of the Indian Army. The candidate who have any queries regarding the Religious Teacher/JCO post of the Indian Army are welcome to comment below with their respective  queries and we will get back to you with the best of information for better assistance.


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