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Indian Army Technical & Nursing Assistant Exam Books PDF

Join Indian Army Technical Book PDF 2020:- Get Army Nursing Assistant Books PDF For Written Exam and Best Book For MER Soldier Technical Exam. India is considered among the largest democracy in the world which was declared as an Republic state in the year of 1950.In this world the fundamental rights of any citizen of different nation is the national liberty which is also the basic character that ensures that the safety and the protection of these Republic state are maintained.

About:- Therefore in case of the Indian Democracy the responsibility of national safety and the protection of the territories of the country under the provision of the Indian Constitution has been taken upon the shoulders by the Indian Army or the Indian Military.

The Indian Army as recorded was founded by the East Indian Company in the year of 1812 for the sole purpose of safety and protection of the assets of the East Indian Co. But after the independence this armed force formerly known as the British Indian Army was then converted in the Indian Army of the nation of the Indian Democracy in order to safeguard the national territories of the country.

Since then the Indian Army has made some of the highest level of contributions for the sake of national security and has made some of the honorable sacrifices in the field of major war conflicts which has played a massive impact in order to overcome those events and maintain the safety of the national territories and the protection of the democratic fundamentals of the Indian citizens. Below are the name list of Army NA Books 2108 for your written exam.

Indian Army has been active in terms of national security but also has been a major relief provider to the national regions during the worst natural calamities such in order to control the after math impact caused by the natural disaster but most importantly to provide the necessary relief and measure to maintain the normal  stability of the region. So the Indian Army is the integral component which has been the very core of the strength of the entire nation which has made huge contributions and has made the nation provide in various occasions be in national or global stage.

When we talk regarding the service that is provided by the Indian Army it cannot be compared to any other since the service under the Indian Army is one of the most prestigious and honorable line of duty one can ever desire to be part of. Download Army Technical Exam Book PDF for your written exam preparation.

Moreover Indian Army is one of the most decorated military armed force which has been honored with some of the highest level of gallantry honors due to their exceptional service  among the other unit of the Indian Military which are responsible for the safety of national interests.

Check here:- Indian Army recruitment 2020 and Indian Army Syllabus PDF

Indian Army Soldier Technical Exam Books PDF In Hindi

Indian Army is considered to be the largest component of the Indian Military which is also the 3rd largest military enforcement in the whole world is served by the best personnel with honor which have earned them to be among the bravest,courageous but above all among the deadliest unit of the personnel serving their nation. Here is the name list of Indian Army Soldier Technical MER Books.

The service men are the ultimate strength of the Indian Army or any of the military force who are assisted with some of the sophisticated machines and artillery that are showcased in the modern warfare. Therefore the service men are trained in every aspect of the service so that the personnel face no hindrance during their daily routine task or in the operational tasks.

To be part of the Indian Army the individuals will have to go through series of selection process that are held during various recruitment as schedule for the recruitment of new batch of individuals for the vacancies that are available for the different trades,but prior to the selection process the candidates will be required to be eligible and qualified under the criteria that are set for the various trades of the Indian Army. 

There are various post that offers number of vacancies for the eligible youths to be recruited as a service man for the Indian Army and among the various trades some of the popular trades are Soldier GD,Clerk/SKT,Tradesman,Soldier Technical and Nursing Assistant.

As different as these trade are the requirements for these trades varies  and the duties allotted to each trade are also of diverse nature. But for each of these trade the selection process are quite similar in majority of the selection process but the selection are always tough regardless of the trade.

Download:- Army Nursing Assistant Model Question Paper PDF

Indian Army Nursing Assistant Books PDF Download 2020

However among these various trade the main focus will be upon the two distinct and divers trades of the Soldier Technical of the Indian Army and the Assistant Nurse post under the Military Medical Corps Unit. Although they are different trades with diverse field of service they offer but still are among the integral unit of the Indian Army and every year new individuals are recruited for these trades for the vacancies that are available under these trades.

All the candidates who apply for these trades will go through the similar selection process but among these selection stages the written exam phase will be different when compared as the written exam will be conducted based on the syllabus and the topics that have been prescribed for specific trade.

The written exam is considered to be the toughest of all of the selection stages where the candidates are required to appear the exam based on their intelligence ability and are required to score the minimum passing marks that have been set for clearing the exams.

The written exam cover some of the vast subjects and topics which are complex in nature and which is the most troublesome section of the written exam syllabus and topics. Indian Army Nursing Assistant Books PDF for all the candidates who are preparing for NA Exam.

Therefore in this article we would like to inform the individuals that there are various books that have been published and recommended for the better preparation in case of Soldier Technical and Nursing Assistant written exam and which are also available in the form of Pdf files that can be downloaded by the candidates if they desire to prepare from thee books in a effective manner. Further on the details will be regarding the books and their source for the trade of Soldier Technical and Nursing Assistant which will be provided in a specific way for better assistance and understanding the importance of these books.

Get:- Army Nursing Assistant Syllabus PDF

Indian Army Written Exam Soldier Technical Best Books PDF 

Among the various trades of the Indian Army the trade of the Soldier Technical is a very critical section that requires individuals with higher intelligence capability in order to complete some of the complex task that are entrusted upon them in each of their field of service.

Although the Soldier Technical is a single unit but the trade consist of three distinct service which are based according to their field of service such trades are :-

  • Soldier Technical:
  • Artillery Arms:
  • Army Air Defense:

As these mentioned unit are different so are the daily routine task depending upon the unit ,but the candidates in order to serve under these units have to pass through all the selection process that are conducted and among them are the written exam. Below is the list of Indian Army technical Exam Books and PDF will uploaded here very soon.

So in order to have better preparation the individuals will require the best information and the materials to study from so that the time that individuals spend during their preparation is not wasted.
The candidates will be able to obtain such important and helpful study materials form various sources but the bets and vast source of study material can be acquired from the books that are available and have been published by the experts and the books will be based on the entire written exam syllabus and topics that are prescribe for the trade.

The books that have been published and recommended are for the specific trade and cover the entire syllabus and topics as prescribed which provides the individuals with the entire information regarding each of the syllabus which would be an advantage for the candidates where they will get all the study material form a single source strictly based on the written exam of the particular trade.

Some of the best books that are available for the Soldier Technical written exam Books are mentioned below:-
  1. Indian Army MER Technical Book
  2. Indian Army MER  by Sura Books/Sura College Of Competition
  3. MER Indian Army By Vidya Editorial Board.
  4. Indian Army MER Technical Book by R.D Ahluwalia.
  5. Indian Army MER by ML Batura.
  6. MER Technical by Dr.M.B Lal
  7. Indian Army MER Technical Trade By SK Publishers.

So these are the common books that are recommended for the Soldier Technical written exam preparation and the individuals will be able to acquire these books form various sources.

Indian Army Best Books For Nursing Assistant Books PDF

There are various trades serving under the Indian Army and one of the mandatory trade or the section of the army is the Military Medical Corps unit which are responsible for the entire medical assistance that need to be provided to the service men of the various units too ensure that the best medical facilities are provided to each and every service men to maintain a healthy status of the entire unit.

The medical assistance is the main priority of the Nursing Assistant and since every unit of the Medical Corps are provided with specialist for in every field therefore the Nursing Assistant are to assist these specialists during major operation and to take proper care of the hospital patients since every unit of the army are provided with their own hospitals with various polyclinics. Candidates check their Indian Army Nursing Assistant Book Name List and Download PDF From official website.

The Individuals who will be applying for the post of Nursing Assistant are also bound to appear the written exams that are conducted based on the various topics and syllabus set for the trade.

So the individuals will require better study materials which will be strictly based upon the entire syllabus and topics that needs to be covered by the candidates in order to prepare in a better manner to ensure that they score the minimum passing marks or higher if the candidates have the best preparation.

Therefore below we will provide the individuals the list of best books that have been recommended for the preparation of written exam for the Nursing Assistant:-

  1. Indian Army MER  by Sura Books/Sura College Of Competition
  2. Indian Army MER Nursing Assistant Book by R.D Ahluwalia.(Hindi & English)
  3. Nursing Nursing Assistant Aide Exam by Learning Express LIC.
  4. Indian Army MER Nursing Assistant By Ramesh Publishing House.(Hindi & English).

Download:- Indian Army Books PDF

Indian Army Soldier Technical & Nursing Assistant Best Books For Written Exam 2020

The candidates will be able to get the overall preparation study materials and if individuals are to prepare through these books it is sure that they will find it easier and profitable in terms of their written exam. Candidates can buy these all above given Army technical book 2020 and Army nursing Assistant Book 2020 online or from their near by book stores.

Instead of studying from various sources if the candidates are able to get their hand on one of these books then the candidates will be able to extract out huge amount of study materials from a single source which will save time for the individuals and will be effective and the candidates will not get confused as these books are entirely based on the syllabus and the topics.

Here are the overall detail regarding the  books that have been recommended by the experts for the particular trade of Soldier Technical and Nursing Assistant.Individuals who desire to get a hold of these study materials will be provide with the links that they will be able to acquire these books which will help them out during their preparation.

The information that has been provided are based on various source which are legit and are dependable and are entire based on the specific section and since this article has been focused upon the books that have been recommended for the preparation of written exam conducted for the trades as mentioned,so that the individuals will have an effective study materials that will be good for their preparation.

Hope the information we have provided will be beneficial for the individuals and if there is any sort of queries that the individuals need to sort out leave a comment below and  we will get back to you in a matter of time with the best of our information for the betterment of the individuals. Thank You and best of luck for the preparation.


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