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Indian Air Force Syllabus 2020 - IAF X Y Group Exam Pattern PDF

Indian Air Force Syllabus 2020 PDF:- Download IAF X Y Group Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2020 PDF File From the You also will get Model paper and Exam Paper In Hindi from this site. The Indian Air Force is one of the honorable field of service and is a integral armed force unit of the Indian Military. Indian Air Force being one of the major military enforcement of the Indian Military has offered with the highest level of service through times and is considered to be  a valuable asset for the nation in case of national security and in times of extremes warfare.

This armed force was established before the independence of Indian Democracy ,however the armed force has been of massive support to the Indian Military since the Indian Air Force is the significant unit with the primary objective to secure the Indian airspace and is entrusted with the responsibility to conduct aerial warfare during extreme armed conflicts.

The Indian Air Force is known to be the fourth largest armed air force among the other air forces of the world.Since the air force was officially established on the 8th of October 1932 and was known as the Royal Indian Air Force. However after the independence of the Indian Democracy the armed unit was then after the transition of the government to a Republic state the armed force was known as the Indian Air Force of the Indian Military. Check below Indian Air Force Syllabus 2020 PDF File and Download IAF Group X Syllabus 2020 and IAF Group Y Syllabus 2020 PDF file.

The unit is served by a total number of 140,139 active personnel who are in with the assistance of  approximately 1,720+ aircraft which is the backbone of the armed unit. The President of India is known to be the Supreme Commander of the IAF who is assisted by the Chief of Staffs an Air chief Marshal who are conferred with four star and are the chief of the IAF staff.

The Air Chief Marshal is responsible for conducting the operational command of the Air Force.\
Indian Air Force has been a effective unit ass a armed force which has contributed massive support to ensure the safety of Indian airspace and has also been an active part for such operations like search and rescue(SAR).

With the assistance with some of the most sophisticated modern military assets allotted to the service men of the IAF ,it has proved to be an huge relief to the Indian Military in warfare conflicts with their rapid response and with the cover that can be provided to the Indian troops in times of extreme warfare conflicts.

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Indian Air Force Group X Y Exam Syllabus 2020 PDF 

The IAF has been active in times of natural calamities in various regions of the country,and has provided with exceptional service during the relief operations that has shattered the country in time of natural instability. The IAF as a armed force is one of the challenging field of service which requires the best cadets who are eligible to serve the country through their service to the Indian Air Force. In this article you will get Indian Air Force Group X Exam Syllabus PDF 2020 and also Indian Air Force Group Y Exam Syllabus 2020 PDF.

Therefore the IAF holds the recruitment of new cadets to serve under the wings of the air force through the various trades that is offered by the service for various cadets who desire to be selected into the IAF after the individuals clear the recruitment phase. The recruitment is held of the three major branch of the IAF such as:-
  1. Flying Branch
  2. Technical Branch
  3. Ground Branch.
Number of new cadets apply for this IAF recruitment through the various entry type or entry level,but only those cadets who are found to be eligible and qualified will be shortlisted and the cadets who are not eligible will be disqualified by the authorities during the recruitment phases.

It is always tough to be selected or recruited since the selection process is one of the toughest level of recruitment  which is conducted under the prescribe rules and regulations set for the recruitment process.

The recruitment is commenced after the cadets have appeared their written exams also known as the common entrance exams for all the cadets who have enrolled for the recruitment.Only those cadets who have cleared their written exams will be called for the recruitment process that is followed to gather the information that is required to shortlist the cadets based on their performance during each of these recruitment process.

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IAF X Y Group Exam Pattern 2020 PDF Download

The written exams for the recruitment of IAF can be considered to be the initial phase which s responsible for the shortlisting the most number of cadets who have applied for the IAF recruitment.
Since the written test is the 1st stage for the cadets to clear in order to be called for the recruitment stages which are conducted based on diverse criteria that is required.

Hence further on this article will provide the overall information regarding the written exam,exam pattern and most importantly the syllabus and the topics that are prescribe for the written test of various entry level of the IAF recruitment. Written exam are conducted on the basis of marks that is distributed among the syllabus and in order to pass the written the cadets are required to score at least the minimum passing marks,or the cadets can score higher marks depending upon the ability of the cadets. IAF Group X Written Exam Pattern 2020:- 

Group X Technical Trade Exam:- 
  • Question From English, Physics and Mathematics.
  • Time duration:- 1 Hours
Group X Education Instructor Trade Exam:-
Paper 1 (Objective Type):- 
  • General English, General Awareness and Current Afffairs.
  • Time Duration:- 40 Minutes
Paper 2 (Descriptive Type):- 
  • Descriptive type question
  • Time Duration:- 35 Minutes

IAF Group Y Written Exam Pattern 2020:- 

Group Y Non-Technical Trade Exam:- 

Question From English, Reasoning and General Awareness and Time Duration is 45 Minutes.

Group Y Musician Trade Exam:- 

Candidates are tested in English dictation and proficiency to play the musical instrument. 

Indian Air Force X & Y Exam Syllabus 2020 PDF

The IAF recruitment of X & Y category cadets are selected for the various post under the IAF except for the technical trades. The syllabus and the topics that are covered or prescribed as for the written test for the both categories along with the exams pattern are mentioned below:

1).Syllabus for X Category entry level cadets
  • English
  • Physics
  • Mathematics
Group X English Syllabus
I Comprehension
A small passage followed by questions.
 1. To judge comprehension
 2. Drawing of inferences
 3. Use of vocabulary
II Composition
 1. Agreement of subject with verb
 2. Pattern of verb and their use.
 3. Sequence of tenses.
 4. Transformation of sequences-Compound, Complex, Simple, Negative,
III Grammar
 1. Spellings
 2. Word formation
 3. Antonyms and Synonyms
 4. One word substitution
 5. Correct usage of articles
 6. Correct usage of Prepositions
 7. Correct usage of adjectives-degrees of comparison
 8. Correct usage of conjunctions
 9. Correct usage of Nouns and Pronouns
 10. Correct usage of numbers (Singular-Plural)
 11. Words, which are commonly getting confused
 12. Word order
 13. Correct usage of Adverbs
IV. Idioms and Phrases
 1. Use of simple idioms
 2. Use of Common proverbs
V. Direct / Indirect sentences : Narration change
 1. Change of various types of sentences from direct to indirect form
 2. Change of various types of sentences from indirect to direct form
VI. Active and Passive Voices
 1. Change of all types of sentences from active to passive form
 2. Change of all types of sentences from passive to active form
1. Physical World & Measurement
2. Kinematics
3. Laws of Motion
4. Work, Energy & Power
5. Motion of System of particles & Rigid
6. Gravitation
7. Properties of Bulk Matter
8. Thermodynamics
9. Behaviour of Perfect Gas & Kinetic
Theory of gases
10. Oscillations & Waves
11. Electrostatics
12. Current Electricity
13. Magnetic effect of current &
14. Electromagnetic Induction and
Alternating current
15. Electromagnetic Waves
16. Optics
17. Dual Nature of Matter
18. Atoms and Nuclei
19. Electronic Devices
20. Communication Systems
1. Sets, Relations, functions
2. Trigonometric functions
3. Inverse Trigonometric functions
4. Complex Numbers
5. Quadratic Equations
6. Sequence & Series (AP & GP)
7. Permutation
8. Combination
9. Binomial Theorem
10. Coordinate geometry – Straight line
11. Coordinate geometry – Circles
12. Coordinate geometry – Parabola
13. Coordinate geometry – Ellipse
14. Coordinate geometry – Hyperbola
15. Exponential Series
16. Logarithmic Series
17. Matrices
18. Determinants
19. Limit & Continuity
20. Differentiation
21. Application of Differentiation
22. Indefinite Integrals
23. Definite Integrals
24. Application of Integration
25. Deferential Equations
26. Probability
27. Statistics

2).Syllabus for Y category entry level cadets:-
  • English 
  • Reasoning and General Awareness(Reasoning,Mathematics,Gk & Civic awareness or CA).
Y Group English Syllabus
I Comprehension
A small passage followed by questions.
 1. To judge comprehension
 2. Drawing of inferences
 3. Use of vocabulary
II Composition
 1. Agreement of subject with verb
 2. Pattern of verb and their use.
 3. Sequence of tenses.
 4. Transformation of sequences-Compound, Complex, Simple, Negative,
III Grammar
 1. Spellings
 2. Word formation
 3. Antonyms and Synonyms
 4. One word substitution
 5. Correct usage of articles
 6. Correct usage of Prepositions
 7. Correct usage of adjectives-degrees of comparison
 8. Correct usage of conjunctions
 9. Correct usage of Nouns and Pronouns
 10. Correct usage of numbers (Singular-Plural)
 11. Words, which are commonly getting confused
 12. Word order
 13. Correct usage of Adverbs
IV. Idioms and Phrases
 1. Use of simple idioms
 2. Use of Common proverbs
V. Direct / Indirect sentences : Narration change
 1. Change of various types of sentences from direct to indirect form
 2. Change of various types of sentences from indirect to direct form
VI. Active and Passive Voices
 1. Change of all types of sentences from active to passive form
 2. Change of all types of sentences from passive to active form
                              REASONING AND GENERAL AWARENESS (RGA)
(A) Reasoning (Verbal and Non-Verbal)
1. Numerical Series
2. Distance and Direction Sense Test
3. Mathematical Operations (Assigning Value to Arithmetic Sign)
4. Number Ranking & Time Sequence Test
5. Assign Artificial Values to Mathematical Digit
6. Inserting Correct Mathematical Digit
7. Human Relation
8. Coding and Decoding
9. Odd Man Out
10. Mutual Relation Problem
11. Tallest Youngest Relation
12. Dictionary Words
13. Analogy
14. Non Verbal Reasoning
15. Number Coding
16. Number Puzzle
(B) Mathematics
17. Ratio and proportion
18. Average
19. LCM, HCF
20. Profit and Loss
21. Time, Distance and Speed
22. Percentage
23. Simplification of Numbers
24. Fraction
25. Area of Triangle, Square and Rectangle
26. Surface area and Volume of Cuboid, Cylinder, Cone and Sphere
27. Probability
28. Simple Trigonometry
(C) GK and CA
29. General Science
30. Civics
31. Geography
32. Current Events
33. History
34. Basic Computer Operation

Indian Air Force Written Exam Books PDF

The cadets who are preparing for the written exam of the IAF recruitment will find it helpful if they acquire the study materials that are provided through the books that have been recommended by the experts.

The other source of study materials are the previous year question paper,solve paper,model paper and the sample papers that are available in the internet as in the form of PDF files. Studying according to the questions papers ,solve papers will provide the cadets with the exact pattern and the ideas regarding the question pattern that is set for the written exams.

The overall syllabus and the topics are closely similar to the syllabus of the 10th to 12th standard books of the education board. Therefore the cadets if have the required books can also study from these books which might be helpful to the cadets while preparing for the written exams. Best of luck to all of you, Jai Hind. 


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