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NDA Eligibility Criteria 2020, Age Limit, Selection Process

National Defence Academy NDA Eligibility Criteria 2020:- NDA Age Limit 2020 and Selection process 2020 candidates must need to check before applying. The only defense academy that is responsible for the selection of new cadets and providing the youths with the basic knowledge with the academic and the training that are conducted throughout the academic year in the NDA has been the vital and most important duration of training for the cadets who have been enrolled into the academy for the three major armed units of the Indian Military.

The armed units for which the candidates are trained by the NDA are as such,Indian Army,Indian Navy and Indian Air Force respectively. Cadets who have been selected by the NDA through the test that are conducted under the supervision of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) and the SSB(Service Selection Board) in the latter phase of the selection of the new cadets who have enrolled and have been selected for the further shortlisting.

The written exam or the CEE (Common Entrance Exam) is the initial phase of the selection of the cadets where the cadets are to appear the exam conducted by the UPSC in different regions of the country or the state. Check below NDA Physical Eligibility Criteria and other all details.

However this test is conducted twice in a year and the cadets are selected according to the vacancies or seat available,thus only number of handful candidates are selected for their training in the NDA.

Although the NDA CEE is conducted under specific terms and conditions set by the concerned high heads,thus for applying for the CEE of NDA selection the candidates must be eligible in thee various criteria set for the candidates in the field of age,education,physical fitness ,medical fitness and so on.
All of these eligibility are the initial requirement which is then followed by the selection process which is the latter phase o thee selection process that is conducted by the respective authorities. NDA 2020 Exam Date and Application Form Date related information and remember given date.

Important Dates:-
  • Date of Notification :- 
  • Last date of filling online form :- 
  • Date of Examination :- 
  • Expected month of result :- 

Therefore even before a cadet applies for the CEE of the NDA the individual must know the proper and overall details of the eligibility criteria for every requirement applying for the exam.
Any candidate who fails to qualify under any of the eligibility criteria will not be allowed to apply for the exam.

Check here:- How To Join Indian Army.

NDA (National Defence Academy) Eligibility Criteria 2020 - Age Limit 

The absolute eligibility criteria and the qualification the candidates must qualify under in order to apply for the CEE of the NDA are based upon the following criteria:-

NDA Age Limit:- 
  1. For NDA (1) 2020: The candidates age between 2nd July, 1999 to 1st July, 2002 are eligible for the examination.
  2. For NDA (2) 2020: Those who have age between 2nd January 2000 to 1st January 2003 are permitted to write the exam. 

Since the CEE for the NDA is held twice in a year so the cadets must be under the age as mentioned.

NDA Educational Qualification:- 10th and 12th pass with 50-60% aggregate marks. Cadets  applying for the armed unit of Navy and Air Force should have passed 12th with the subjects of Physics and Mathematics as the compulsory subjects.

Marital Status:- Unmarried(For all candidates).

Nationality:- Cadets who qualify under the below mentioned category are eligible to apply for the exams.
  • Indian.
  • Subject of Bhutan.
  • Subject of Nepal.
  • Refugee settled in India since 1st January 1962.

NDA Physical Eligibility Criteria(Physical Fitness):- The physical fitness is a major criteria for the cadet to qualify under due to the qualities of the physical status that is required to qualify as prescribed for the selection of the cadets.
The physical criteria that is prescribed are under the following criteria:-
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Chest measurement
       Height Weight Standards For ARMY/AIR FORCE
 Height In Cm
                          Weight In KG
16-17 Years
17-18 Years
18-19 Years

       Height Weight Standards For NAVY
 Height In Cm
                          Weight In KG
16 Years
18  Years
20 Years

Medical Criteria:-

The medical criteria is an important factor that may affect the selection of the cadets.This criteria is based upon the medical condition of the cadets to examine any presence pf long-term or serious illness within the criteria a cadet is found to be medically unfit then the cadet will be rejected for any further selection.
The cadets are required to go through the test of the following medical criteria.
  • Medical status
  • Mental health
  • Eye Sight
  • ENT (Ear,Nose,Throat)
  • Hearing Ability
  • Oral Health

Presence of any medical disability or physical abnormality will result in the rejection of the candidates.Hence the physical and the medical fitness of the cadets are must.

So the most important eligibility criteria and the qualification the cadets must clear in order to ensure to appear the CEE or the NDA conducted by the UPSC. Candidates who are found to be eligible to apply for the CEE are then to appear the entrance exam on the scheduled date in the respective examination center chose by the cadets as their center. The above table is for NDA Height Weight Criteria and NDA Physical Criteria 2020 related.

Before the selection procedure the candidates must fillup the online forrm that will be available on the official website of the Indian Army( cadets are to fill up the form online and are to do so within or on the last date of registration. Only after the candidates have filled the online form they will be provided with their respective admit card for their exams.

Admit cards will be provide only to the candidate who have been found to be eligible to appear the written exams conducted by the UPSC. Cadets will have to download their admit card from the official website of the Indian Army which will be released within 1 month after applying.

NDA (National Defence Academy) Selection Process 2020 

The first phase of the selection process is the eligibility criteria and documentations of the cadets as only those candidate who qualify under those criteria are allowed to appear the exams.
The exam is the initial shortlisting stage where only those cadets who clear this exam are then selected for the further selection phase that is to be followed as prescribed for the NDA. Check below NDA 2020 Selection process and apply for the exam.

The selection process of cadets comprises of series of test of the cadets on different field which the cadets must clear in order to be selected. The important phase of the selection is conducted under section 1 and section 2.

Section 1:- 

This section of the selection test is conducted as the main entrance exams where the cadets who were selected for the entrance exam are to appear this exams which is comprised of written test on the subject that are prescribed for the exams.

This phase of the most important and thee initial phase of the selection as massive number of cadets are rejected who fail to score the required passing marks. The written exam is based upon 2 units covering the subjects of Maths and GAT(General Ability Test).

Unit 1:- Maths
  1. Total Marks: 300
  2. Total Questions: 120
  3. Question type: Multiple Choice.
  4. Duration of exam:2 hours and 30 minutes.
  5. Negative marking:0.33 
This unit of the written exam is based upon the syllabus of the 11th and 12th standard of the CBSE board of the educational board. Cadets must score at least the minimum passing marks for this unit for which the cadets must give the correct answer of 45 questions in order to clear this unit of written exam.

Unit 2:- GAT (General Ability Test):-

This unit of the written test comprises of two part which covers the various subjects and topics of English(Part 1) and General Knowledge(Part 2).
  1. Total Marks:600 marks
  2. Part 1(English): 200 marks.
  3. Total Questions: 50.
  4. Part 2(GK): 400 marks.
  5. Total Questions:100.
  6. Question type: Multiple Choice.
  7. Duration of exam:2 hours and 30 minutes.
  8. Negative marking:0.33 

Part 1:- English which covers mostly the syllabus of the grammar portion.
Part 2:- GK covers the topics of various subjects of History,,Geography,General awareness,current affairs,etc.

Cadets are required to pass each of the section of the written test based on the subject.If a cadet fails to clear any of the subject then the individual will be rejected for failing the written exams.
The cadets who have cleared the written test will be informed about the SSB test through the call letter ,emails,phone calls on the address provided by the cadets.Therefore the cadets are advised to provide the correct information while filling up the application form.

The result of the written exams are released within the time of 1 month or longer depending on the officials. Cadets who are given the call letter will have to report to their respective center which is held in different centers according to the unit of the Indian Army for which the cadet has applied for and has been selected for.

Following are the list of major center for different unit where the SSB test wiill be conducted:-
  • Indian Army:-Allahabad(UP),Bhopal(MP),Banglore.(Karnataka).
  • Indian Navy :-Coimbatore(Tamil Nadu),Banglore(Karnataka),Bhopal(MP).
  • Indian Air Force:-Dehradun(Uttarakhand),Mysore(Karnataka),Gandhi Nagar(Gujarat),Varanasi(UP).
The section 2 phase of the selection will commence on the first come first serve basis.And the test will be conducted for a total time of 5 or more days based on the number of cadets who have been called for the SSB test or selection.

Section 2:-

This section of the selection test is conducted by the SSB which comprises of some of the delicate test such as the :

a).Officer Intelligence Rating(OIR) test
b)Picture Perception Description Test(PPD)
c).Psychological Test
d).Group Testing Officer(GTO) Task.

All of the above mentioned test are conducted by the SSB over the duration of 5 days or more depending on the number of cadets selected from the written test.

These test are usually conducted to know the overall quality of the cadets such test are based on the following:-

a). Officer Intelligence Rating(OIR) Test:- This exam is conducted to acquire the intelligence quality of the cadets so this exam is comprised of written exam pattern which consists of 50-55 logical,mathematical ,reasoning  questions to test the common alertness of the cadets.

b). Picture Perception Description Test(PPD):- The cadets will be provided with random picture which they need to explain to the officials of what they see in the picture or the meaning of the picture.

c). Psychological Test:- This test consists of two stages such as the Thematic Apperception Test(TAP) & Word Association Test(WAT).

  1. Thematic Apperception Test(TAT):- Stage of the test is similar to that of the PP & DT test where the cadets are to explain from the picture that are provide to them.
  2. Word Association Test(WAT):-The cadets are to write an analogy of the word or letter shown to them with the spare of 15 seconds. 

d). Group Testing Officer(GTO) Task:- This phase is a tactical phase and  the test is based on the group discussion and such.

e). Conference:- This phase of the test is the final stage where all the cadets are gathered together in a conference hall and is conducted as a conference with all the authorities and the questions are provided by these authorities and the cadets are to answer these questions. This phase of the test last for 30 minutes after which the results are declared. The candidates who are selected are retained for the final medical test.

Medical Test:

This medical test is the most important test of the candidates which the cadets are to clear in order to be shortlisted in the final merit list.

Merit List:- 

The final merit list is made based in the score of the cadets in the overall selection process and the cadets who have been selected after the test conducted by the SSB. The total number of 3 merit list are released for each of the armed units of the Indian Army such as for the Indian Army,Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force respectively.

The cadets who are shortlisted in the final merit list will then be dispatched for their respective pre-commission training to their different  the  headquarters for a certain period of 4 years. Since the merit list is made based on the score of the cadets in the overall selection phase it is advised that the candidate must score the highest marks possible in every test that is conducted. Therefore for scoring the maximum marks is only possible if the preparation of the cadets is up to the mark.

Hope this NDA 2020 Eligibility Criteria, NDA Age Limit 2020 and NDA Selection process article is useful you all candidates. For any query regarding to the NDA Exam, you can comment here and ask your queries. Best of luck to all of you, Jai Hind. 


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