Join Indian Army Nursing Assistant Syllabus 2020:- Download Indian Army NA Exam Pattern PDF and Previous Year Question Paper & Books For Written Exam Preparation. Indian Army without a doubt is the most respected service when compared to the other field of service which has been the core of the Indian Democracy. The nation has withstand some of the extreme situations of conflicts which has shattered the soul of the nation be it in the past and in recent times but the fact the nation stand with its head held high claims its place as one of the nation with the strength and enforcement to deal and overcome any hardship that is brought upon this nation of brave and courageous souls.
The service in the Indian Army is not a matter of profession but rather in huge number of individuals choose to serve the nation as their passion and love for their motherland and it is only possible because of the opportunities that are offered through the 3rd largest military enforcement in the world. The passion which drives the service men to serve their beloved nation has let the world know the sleeping strength of the nation and the strength that dwells in the shadows of the Indian Democracy.
The history of the Indian Army dates back to the before the independence phase of the nation therefore the Indian Army can be considered to be among the armed enforcement with a rich history that comprises of numerous honorable and glorious phase the nation has rejoiced in for they have made the whole nation to be proud of our beloved soldiers.
Although their contribution has come far from the pre independence since the armed force of the Indian Army has been constantly providing the country with the highest level of service one can offer to ensure the safety and protection of national liberty. Due to the reason of being the most decorated armed force among the other integral armed unit of the Indian Military,the unit of the Indian
Army has faced through the heart aching events which has seen some of the incomparable sacrifices that have been made by the service men in the times of conflicts for the sake of not just the nation but for the sake of their passion and the love they have been blessed by their motherland.
Therefore for the bravery and the courage in the war zone of the Indian Army soldier has earned them to be among the most fearsome and a deadly force to encounter with.
Check Here:- Indian Army Recruitment 2020 all over India & Indian Army Salary.
Indian Army altogether is a one massive unit of armed force but it comprises of numerous unit with various armed unit or regiments which is the most priced asset of the Indian Military and which is the various category for which the candidates are recruited for their service to the Indian Army in order to serve the nation.
There are various trades for which the recruitment are held for the new recruits and among the various trades the recruitment for the trades of Soldier(GD),Clerk,SKT,Tradesmen and Nursing Assistant are the most common entry level that is held for the new candidates who desire to be selected in the Indian Army.
In this article the major focus will be upon the trade of the Nursing Assistant which lies under the Military Medical Corps. and which is one of the vital trade for the survival of the Indian Army.
Since the significance of the Medical unit of any armed force is of the most important and which is the absolute necessity for the unit in terms of the medical field.
The medical unit can also be considered to be the lifeline of the entire unit during military operations and extreme warfare events when the service men require medical assistance in order to survive and to overcome the spoils of conflicts. The survival and the medical health of the entire military unit depends upon the medical staffs including the Nursing assistant so that the soldiers are provided with the best possible medical facilities and care.
To ensure that the units are provided with the best medical care it can be assumed that the medical staff or the Nursing assistant are recruited only if they are eligible ,well qualified and are specialist in their field of service so that they will be able to live up to the expectations of being an member of the Military Medical Crops.
Get:- Indian Army Eligibility Criteria and Indian Army Book PDF
Every year the recruitment are held for the Nursing Assistant post which is applied by number of new cadets who desire to be selected for the respective post.But the competition is always at its peak like it is for every other post or the trade. The new candidates are selected through the series of selection stages comprising of the following stages:-
1).Physical Fitness Test/Physical Measurement:-
This section based on the physical fitness and the physical standards of the candidates who have applied for the assistant post of the Medical Corps.The cadets must qualify under this section in order to be selected for the nest phase.
2).Medical Test:-
The medical test is the most critical and delicate phase of the selection where a cadets will be selected based on the medical criteria that are as prescribed by the authorities.
Candidates will be required to be medically fit in case they are to be shortlisted for the next selection phase.
3).Common Entrance Exam:-
This is the most important section which will completely depend up on the intelligence ability of the candidates. Because this test is conducted based on the syllabus and the topics that have been set for the entire written exam which will be conducted for the assistant nurse post under the Medical Corps.
Therefore this is the vital test which will decide the selection of the cadets after the result are released and the merit list is made according to the score secured by the candidates during the selection process.
Since the common entrance exam is the most competitive among all the other selection test and the candidates will require the vast information regarding the exam in terms of the syllabus and the topics which is to be covered to ensure better preparation. Check Indian Army Nursing Assistant Exam Pattern 2020. Visit official website link for Download Indian Army NA Exam Pattern PDF.
Thus further on we will be providing the candidates with the best information and will offer the cadets with overall idea in terms of the syllabus ,topics and most importantly the exam pattern according to which the written exams are conducted for the Nursing Assistant post.Indian Army Assistant Nurse Written Exam Pattern 2020:-
The exam pattern for the Nursing assistant is similar when compared to the exam pattern set for the various other post of the Indian Army. Although the pattern will be similar but the marks distribution will vary.So to provide the candidates with the proper exam pattern to make it easier for the candidates to understand the exam pattern completely the information are detailed down in a simple manner:-
Candidates are advised to be alert while answering the question since there will be negative marking of half marks for each of the incorrect answer given by the cadets which will effect the score of the candidates in aggregate therefore be careful. So mentioned above are the basic information regarding the exam pattern for the candidates who will be applying for the post of Assistant Nurse of the Medical Corps.
Further om we will discuss regarding the exam syllabus and the entire topics that are prescribed for the written exam of assistant nurse post so that the cadets will have the total information of topics and the syllabus they need to cover while preparing for the Nursing Assistant written exam or common entrance exam.
There are various topics and the syllabus that are prescribed for the written exam of the Nursing assistant post under the Medical Corps. which generates the entire questions for the written exams. There are some of the major subjects that are prescribed by the board which is necessary to be covered by the candidates while they prepare for the exam. Check official site for Indian Army Nursing Assistant Syllabus 2020 and Download PDF File. Each of these subjects cover up various topics which makes up the entire marks distribution through the questions that are set form these topics. Therefore the cadets must prepare from these topics to score the maximum marks to ensure selection. The various topics under the prescribed syllabus for the written exam of Nursing assistant re mention below according to the subjects:-
1).General Knowledge:-
As considered to be among the most important section is GK or General Knowledge which is included in major competitive exam and also in case of the written exam for the Nursing assistant.
The section of Gk cover a vast topics of the current affairs in national or international level, history, geography General, English ,etc.Although this section covers the vast topics but it totally depends upon the general awareness of the candidates. However to prepare for this section the candidates should gather up information form various sources sch as the newspaper,magazines,and GK books that are available.
Being a nursing candidates it is necessary that the cadets should have a proper knowledge regarding the chemicals that are the basic necessity for the medication in terms of the medical unit.Since the medicines are the backbone of the entire medical unit.
The chemistry is another section which in due course of time has made some of the exceptional contribution in terms of medical and scientific section which has become a necessity for the day to day life. The section of the chemistry basically include the chemical knowledge including atoms,substance,etc. The entire topics under this section is mention below.
The section of biology is known to be the basic of life since it the study of life and is one of the major section which holds an important position in the medical sector.So for the candidates or the staffs of the Medical Corps. it is the most essential section that is included for the written exam of the Nursing Assistant.The section covers the syllabus of cell,life process,human body,food and health,food yield and such the entire topics of biology are given below.
The section of maths hold the importance because of the revolution that has been witnessed by the world through the discoveries made by some of the genius mind in the history of mankind.Therefore this is a manor section which is to be covered by the cadets which will be very important to carry on the daily duty that has been entrusted to the staffs. This section generally comprises the basic mathematical problems such as the numerical , fractional, mensuration, trigonometry.
The overall topics under the section of maths has been mentioned below.
One of the major section is the physics unit which is considered to be the basic knowledge in order to understand the world and to carry on the daily basis task.It is one of the complex subjects that has altered the world thinking with the number of discoveries and the inventions that have been possible through the knowledge of physics.
Therefore it is considered as the basic necessity to carry on the fundamentals of life in the modern day era. The section of the physics will be based on the basic of the physics section such as the laws of motion,electricity,matter,optics,etc. The overall topics are given below:-
The candidates if desire to be selected for their service as Nursing Assistant will have to cover the entire syllabus and the topics in order to clear the written exam. Even the written exam covers a vast scale of topics but all the topics are based on the 12th standard of any educational board,hence the candidates with the proper and better educational knowledge will find it more helpful if they choose to study through the books of the educational board.
Only those candidates will be selected who have cleared their respective written exams and thee candidate will be called in of r interviews and then after the candidates who clear the interview will then have to go through the final medical test which is necessary for the candidates to qualify under in order to be recruited and finally be dispatched for their training. We update here Indian Army Nursing Assistant Question Paper PDF for all candidates who are preparing for NA.
Candidates who are preparing for their common entrance exam can prepare through the study materials that are available such as the books of the 12th standard of any educational board.
The previous year question papers can also provide the candidates with the with the better idea of the question setting pattern which will be helpful for the candidates.
Hope the information that has been provided will provide the candidates with the required information regarding the exam syllabus and the exam pattern for those cadets who are preparing for their respective common entrance exam for the post of Nursing Assistant under the Military Corps of the Indian Military.
Individuals who seek any sort of information regarding the Nursing Assistant post are advised to comment below and we will get back to you with the information that is required by the individuals. Best of luck to all of you, Jai Hind.
The service in the Indian Army is not a matter of profession but rather in huge number of individuals choose to serve the nation as their passion and love for their motherland and it is only possible because of the opportunities that are offered through the 3rd largest military enforcement in the world. The passion which drives the service men to serve their beloved nation has let the world know the sleeping strength of the nation and the strength that dwells in the shadows of the Indian Democracy.
The history of the Indian Army dates back to the before the independence phase of the nation therefore the Indian Army can be considered to be among the armed enforcement with a rich history that comprises of numerous honorable and glorious phase the nation has rejoiced in for they have made the whole nation to be proud of our beloved soldiers.
Although their contribution has come far from the pre independence since the armed force of the Indian Army has been constantly providing the country with the highest level of service one can offer to ensure the safety and protection of national liberty. Due to the reason of being the most decorated armed force among the other integral armed unit of the Indian Military,the unit of the Indian
Army has faced through the heart aching events which has seen some of the incomparable sacrifices that have been made by the service men in the times of conflicts for the sake of not just the nation but for the sake of their passion and the love they have been blessed by their motherland.
Therefore for the bravery and the courage in the war zone of the Indian Army soldier has earned them to be among the most fearsome and a deadly force to encounter with.
Check Here:- Indian Army Recruitment 2020 all over India & Indian Army Salary.
Download Indian Army NA Syllabus & Exam Pattern PDF 2020
Indian Army altogether is a one massive unit of armed force but it comprises of numerous unit with various armed unit or regiments which is the most priced asset of the Indian Military and which is the various category for which the candidates are recruited for their service to the Indian Army in order to serve the nation.
There are various trades for which the recruitment are held for the new recruits and among the various trades the recruitment for the trades of Soldier(GD),Clerk,SKT,Tradesmen and Nursing Assistant are the most common entry level that is held for the new candidates who desire to be selected in the Indian Army.
In this article the major focus will be upon the trade of the Nursing Assistant which lies under the Military Medical Corps. and which is one of the vital trade for the survival of the Indian Army.
Since the significance of the Medical unit of any armed force is of the most important and which is the absolute necessity for the unit in terms of the medical field.
The medical unit can also be considered to be the lifeline of the entire unit during military operations and extreme warfare events when the service men require medical assistance in order to survive and to overcome the spoils of conflicts. The survival and the medical health of the entire military unit depends upon the medical staffs including the Nursing assistant so that the soldiers are provided with the best possible medical facilities and care.
To ensure that the units are provided with the best medical care it can be assumed that the medical staff or the Nursing assistant are recruited only if they are eligible ,well qualified and are specialist in their field of service so that they will be able to live up to the expectations of being an member of the Military Medical Crops.
Get:- Indian Army Eligibility Criteria and Indian Army Book PDF
Indian Army Nursing Assistant (NA) Written Exam Pattern PDF 2020
Every year the recruitment are held for the Nursing Assistant post which is applied by number of new cadets who desire to be selected for the respective post.But the competition is always at its peak like it is for every other post or the trade. The new candidates are selected through the series of selection stages comprising of the following stages:-
1).Physical Fitness Test/Physical Measurement:-
This section based on the physical fitness and the physical standards of the candidates who have applied for the assistant post of the Medical Corps.The cadets must qualify under this section in order to be selected for the nest phase.
2).Medical Test:-
The medical test is the most critical and delicate phase of the selection where a cadets will be selected based on the medical criteria that are as prescribed by the authorities.
Candidates will be required to be medically fit in case they are to be shortlisted for the next selection phase.
3).Common Entrance Exam:-
This is the most important section which will completely depend up on the intelligence ability of the candidates. Because this test is conducted based on the syllabus and the topics that have been set for the entire written exam which will be conducted for the assistant nurse post under the Medical Corps.
Therefore this is the vital test which will decide the selection of the cadets after the result are released and the merit list is made according to the score secured by the candidates during the selection process.
Since the common entrance exam is the most competitive among all the other selection test and the candidates will require the vast information regarding the exam in terms of the syllabus and the topics which is to be covered to ensure better preparation. Check Indian Army Nursing Assistant Exam Pattern 2020. Visit official website link for Download Indian Army NA Exam Pattern PDF.
Thus further on we will be providing the candidates with the best information and will offer the cadets with overall idea in terms of the syllabus ,topics and most importantly the exam pattern according to which the written exams are conducted for the Nursing Assistant post.Indian Army Assistant Nurse Written Exam Pattern 2020:-
The exam pattern for the Nursing assistant is similar when compared to the exam pattern set for the various other post of the Indian Army. Although the pattern will be similar but the marks distribution will vary.So to provide the candidates with the proper exam pattern to make it easier for the candidates to understand the exam pattern completely the information are detailed down in a simple manner:-
- Total Marks:- 200 Marks.
- Total Number of Question:- 50.
- Marks Per Question:- 4 Marks Each.
- Total Duration of Exam:- 90 minutes(1 hour).
- Negative Marking:- 0.5 Marks will deducted for every incorrect answer.
- Question Type:- Multiple Choice Question (MCQ).
Marks Subject wise:-
- General Knowledge(40 Marks).
- Chemistry (60 marks).
- Biology (60 marks).
- Maths (20 Marks).
- Physics (20 marks).
Candidates are advised to be alert while answering the question since there will be negative marking of half marks for each of the incorrect answer given by the cadets which will effect the score of the candidates in aggregate therefore be careful. So mentioned above are the basic information regarding the exam pattern for the candidates who will be applying for the post of Assistant Nurse of the Medical Corps.
Further om we will discuss regarding the exam syllabus and the entire topics that are prescribed for the written exam of assistant nurse post so that the cadets will have the total information of topics and the syllabus they need to cover while preparing for the Nursing Assistant written exam or common entrance exam.
Indian Army Nursing Assistant Syllabus PDF 2020 & Exam Topics
There are various topics and the syllabus that are prescribed for the written exam of the Nursing assistant post under the Medical Corps. which generates the entire questions for the written exams. There are some of the major subjects that are prescribed by the board which is necessary to be covered by the candidates while they prepare for the exam. Check official site for Indian Army Nursing Assistant Syllabus 2020 and Download PDF File. Each of these subjects cover up various topics which makes up the entire marks distribution through the questions that are set form these topics. Therefore the cadets must prepare from these topics to score the maximum marks to ensure selection. The various topics under the prescribed syllabus for the written exam of Nursing assistant re mention below according to the subjects:-
1).General Knowledge:-
As considered to be among the most important section is GK or General Knowledge which is included in major competitive exam and also in case of the written exam for the Nursing assistant.
The section of Gk cover a vast topics of the current affairs in national or international level, history, geography General, English ,etc.Although this section covers the vast topics but it totally depends upon the general awareness of the candidates. However to prepare for this section the candidates should gather up information form various sources sch as the newspaper,magazines,and GK books that are available.
- Abbreviations
- Sports
- Awards & Prizes
- History
- Geography
- Terminology
Being a nursing candidates it is necessary that the cadets should have a proper knowledge regarding the chemicals that are the basic necessity for the medication in terms of the medical unit.Since the medicines are the backbone of the entire medical unit.
The chemistry is another section which in due course of time has made some of the exceptional contribution in terms of medical and scientific section which has become a necessity for the day to day life. The section of the chemistry basically include the chemical knowledge including atoms,substance,etc. The entire topics under this section is mention below.
- Matter-Nature and Behaviour
- Natural Resources
The section of biology is known to be the basic of life since it the study of life and is one of the major section which holds an important position in the medical sector.So for the candidates or the staffs of the Medical Corps. it is the most essential section that is included for the written exam of the Nursing Assistant.The section covers the syllabus of cell,life process,human body,food and health,food yield and such the entire topics of biology are given below.
- Basic Biology
- Life Process
- Study of Birds
- Human Beings
- Food and Health
- Wasteful Food Practices
- Food Yield
- Essentials for good health
The section of maths hold the importance because of the revolution that has been witnessed by the world through the discoveries made by some of the genius mind in the history of mankind.Therefore this is a manor section which is to be covered by the cadets which will be very important to carry on the daily duty that has been entrusted to the staffs. This section generally comprises the basic mathematical problems such as the numerical , fractional, mensuration, trigonometry.
The overall topics under the section of maths has been mentioned below.
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Mensuration
One of the major section is the physics unit which is considered to be the basic knowledge in order to understand the world and to carry on the daily basis task.It is one of the complex subjects that has altered the world thinking with the number of discoveries and the inventions that have been possible through the knowledge of physics.
Therefore it is considered as the basic necessity to carry on the fundamentals of life in the modern day era. The section of the physics will be based on the basic of the physics section such as the laws of motion,electricity,matter,optics,etc. The overall topics are given below:-
Indian Army Nursing Assistant Exam Books & Model Question Paper 2020
The candidates if desire to be selected for their service as Nursing Assistant will have to cover the entire syllabus and the topics in order to clear the written exam. Even the written exam covers a vast scale of topics but all the topics are based on the 12th standard of any educational board,hence the candidates with the proper and better educational knowledge will find it more helpful if they choose to study through the books of the educational board.
Only those candidates will be selected who have cleared their respective written exams and thee candidate will be called in of r interviews and then after the candidates who clear the interview will then have to go through the final medical test which is necessary for the candidates to qualify under in order to be recruited and finally be dispatched for their training. We update here Indian Army Nursing Assistant Question Paper PDF for all candidates who are preparing for NA.
Candidates who are preparing for their common entrance exam can prepare through the study materials that are available such as the books of the 12th standard of any educational board.
The previous year question papers can also provide the candidates with the with the better idea of the question setting pattern which will be helpful for the candidates.
Indian Army Nursing Assistant Book:-
- MER Soldier Nursing Assistant
- Indian Army MER Practice Sets
Hope the information that has been provided will provide the candidates with the required information regarding the exam syllabus and the exam pattern for those cadets who are preparing for their respective common entrance exam for the post of Nursing Assistant under the Military Corps of the Indian Military.
Individuals who seek any sort of information regarding the Nursing Assistant post are advised to comment below and we will get back to you with the information that is required by the individuals. Best of luck to all of you, Jai Hind.
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