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RPF Recruitment 2020 - RPF SI, Constable, ASI Bharti Rally

RPF (Railway Protection Force) Recruitment 2020:- Fill RPF 2020 Online Application Form and apply for RPF SI, ASI, Constable and Head Constable Post. The Indian Railway is regarded to be the largest employment sector which is served by the highest number of service personnel and is the highest employment provider in case of number of employees under its wings.

The Indian Railway being one of the largest and the busy sector of transportation is bound to require to have sort of an insurance in the uncertain situation. Therefore it is where the RPF comes in which is responsible for the safety and the protection of the entire Indian Railway which has been established in the various regions of the nation throughout the country.

The unit of the  RPF as a Security Force was established by the Indian Government,and the force has been entrusted with the safety of the overall railway property and the passengers respectively.
Major priority of the RPF is to apprehend and stop the illegal act which are carried by the law breakers which is one of the common scenario that has been prevailing throughout the railway transportation sector.

For the better maintenance of law and order and to ensure the total security of not just the railway but the main priority of the RPF is the safety of thee civilians or the passengers who are bound to choose the transportation of the Indian railway,so that their journey is a safe one.

RPF Recruitment 2020 - SI, Constable, ASI Bharti Rally 

Every year the Indian Railway holds the recruitment for the various post of the RPF and the candidates are selected based on the number of vacancies that are available in the various post for the RPF of the Indian Railway.

The higher or the senior ranks of the RPF is offered through the promotion which depends upon the service of the individual,however for direct entry into the RPF the Indian Railway offers the post through which the candidates are liable to apply for the RPF recruitment.

Such direct entry can be applied for the post of the following:-
Assistant Commander.

Among the various post of the RPF the recruitment or the constable post offers the highest number of vacancies for the candidates who are interested or are looking forward to the recruitment so to be selected for the RPF. Although the number of vacancies are high in number only the selected candidates shall be recruited for the new RPF service men due to the reason that the candidates are selected through various phases of the recruitment process that is conducted during the recruitment.

Most importantly the candidates are required to qualify under the various criteria which is essential for a candidate in order to apply for the recruitment of the RPF. These criteria varies among the post of the RRF based on the criteria that are set according to the post or the ranks of the RFP for the selection of new service personnel. Therefore the various criteria according to the post of the RPF as mention below. Check RPF Constable Recruitment 2020 post details category wise.
  1. Organization:- RPF
  2. Post Name:- Male and Female Constable
  3. Job Location:- India
  4. Total Posts:- 19952
  5. General:- 8901 Posts
  6. OBC:- 4371 Posts
  7. SC:- 3317 Posts
  8. ST:- 3363 Posts

RPF Constables & Sub-Inspector Recruitment 2020 - Eligibility Criteria

The post of an constable maybe the lowest rank of the RPF which is offered to the candidates who have applied for the post,but still the competition is very tough due to the massive number of candidates who apply for this particular post. The constables are the most important functioning unit of the RPF which carries the general duty throughout the railway sector of the Indian Railway. Check RPF SI Recruitment 2020 details and fill your online application form.

The candidates are selected through the various recruitment process but what makes the individuals eligible to apply for the recruitment for the post of the constable of the RPF are mentioned below.

1). Age Limit:- 

The age limit is a major factor and the candidates should be within the age limit of minimum 18 years - 25 years maximum.
Any candidates who fails to qualify under this age limit is not eligible to apply for the recruitment.
However to the candidates who belong to the reserved category there are special relaxation in case of the age limit factor.

2). Educational Qualification:-

To apply for the constable post the candidates should must have passed 10th or 12th standard form any educational board.

3).Marital Status:-

Unmarried(For Male and Female candidates).


Only Indian citizen is liable to apply for the recruitment.

So the mentioned above are the basic eligibility that has been prescribed by the CSB for the recruitment of new-service personnel for the RPF of the Indian Railways. Any candidates who fails to qualify under any one of these criteria is not allowed to enroll for the selection any further.
As we move forward the candidate who are found to be eligible in all the aspects in case of their eligibility the candidates are then selected through the selection process that is to be conducted.

Eligibility Criteria For Sub-Inspector

1).Age Limit:- Candidate must be between the age of 20 years to 25 years.For the candidates of reserved category special relaxation of 5 years is provided.

2)Educational Qualification:- The candidates who are applying for the post of sub-inspector must be a Graduate.

3).Marital Status:- Unmarried candidates are allowed to appear the recruitment.

4).Nationality:- Indian citizenship of the candidate is must.

Railway Protection Force Constable/Sub-Inspector Recruitment Selection Process 2020

For the selection of the candidates applying for these two post the recruitment process are similar in most of the stages.
The selection process is comprised of the following stages:-
  • Written Test.
  • Physical Test.
  • Interview/Documents Verification.
  • Medical Test.
The candidates are required to clear each of the stages to ensure their selection,because for a candidate in order to be selected for the next stage the individual must clear the particular test stage with the minimum required marks set for the specific test stage.

Any candidate who fails to clear any of the stage will not be selected any further of the recruitment stages that are followed.

Written Exams:- 

The written test is the first and the most important ladder for any individual to be selected for the stages that are to be followed.The candidates have to appear this exam on the basis of their knowledge and intelligence ability and must score the least passing marks.

This stage of the selection process is conducted to test the intelligence ability of each candidate.
The written test is conducted based on the following subjects that cover various topics:-

a).General intelligence & Reasoning.
b).Arithmetic Ability.
c).General Awareness.

The written exam pattern will be set on the following manner and the marks are distributed based on  subject wise:-
  1. Total Questions: 120.
  2. Question Type: Multiple Choice/Objective.
  3. Total Marks:- 120 (General Intelligence-35 marks/Arithmetic Ability-35 marks/General Awareness-50 Marks).
  4. Duration of Examination:- 90 minutes.
  5. Markiing scheme :- 1 marks for each question.
  6. Negative marking:-1 mark will be deducted for every 4 incorrect/wrong answer.
The candidates are to pass in each of the subjects and should score the minimum passing marks in aggregate. Most candidates are shortlisted after this stage which is due to the poor intelligence ability of the candidates and improper knowledge pf the candidates in the field of written exams.
The candidate who clear the writen exam are then enrolled for the next stage of the selection process.

Physical Test/Physical Efficiency Test:- 

The main agenda of conducting this test is to know the physical fitness of the candidates and their physical capability which is exhibited by the candidates through the physical tasks that is to be done by the candidates according to the pattern off the test stage.
The physical testis conducted on  based on the physical task such as the :-
  • Running:- 1600 meters for men within 5 minutes 45 seconds /800 meters for female candidates in 3 minutes 40 seconds.
  • High Jump:- 3 feet & 9 inches for men/3 feet or female candidate.
  • Long Jump:- 14 feet for male / 9 feet for female candidates.
The candidates are to complete the task of running within the time that has been allotted to them for the task. During the task of high jump and long jump the candidates are offered two chances both for the male and female candidates,therefore the candidates must clear the task within the 2 chances that has been offered to them.

The candidate are also required to qualify under the physical criteria which is conducted through the physical measurement of the candidates in the criteria of the following.
  • Height:- 165 cm for male candidate(160 for SC/150 cm for st/ex-service men)/157 cm for female candidates(For all category candidates).
  • Weight:- 80 cm & with 5 cms expansion (76.2 cm for st/sc category candidates).
  • Chest:- 50 kg for sc/48 kg for st candidates respectively.

The candidates who have cleared both the written test and the physical efficiency test will then be enrolled for the advance stage of the selection process which is conducted on the basis of the interview and documents verification.

Candidates who have been associated with the curricular activities such as the NCC,sports are offered bonus marks as prescribed by the Railway Recruitment Board for the new candidates. However the bonus marks is limited upto 5 marks for all categories.

Medical Test:- 

The candidates who are selected through the interview stage will then be called for he medical test that is conducted to examine the medical status of the candidates who have been selected.
The medical test is conducted based on the 'B-1' category prescribed as per the Indian Medical Manual under the supervision of the Railway Hospitals.

Any candidate who is declared to be permanently unfit during the medical will be rejected.
The candidates are examined under the following medical criteria:-
  • Medical health.
  • Mental health.
  • Oral Health.
  • Hearing ability.
  • Eye sight.
Candidate who are found to have the following are not eligible such as flat foot,knock-kneed,squint eyes,color blindness and such other abnormal body parts. The candidates must be medically and physically fit to be shortlisted as the final selection of candidates.

After this stage of the test the candidates who have been selected as the eligible candidates will have to go through the training session which is the initial phase under the supervision of respective RFP/RPSF training centers or an such institution as prescribed by the Railway Administration.

Candidate who have been enrolled for the final training will have to face the final examination during the latter phase of the training session which the candidate must pass.The examination will be based on the training period of the candidates.

RPF Constable,Sub-Inspector Online Application Form 2020 Submission Steps

  1. Online application form is available in the official website of the Indian Railway (
  2. The application form should be submitted within or on the last day of submition.
  3. The candidates must follow and fill up all the information that are to be in the application form.
  4. Each candidates must fill-up the form with the correct and exact information according to the certificates that are to be produced by the candidates.
  5. Before the submission of the form the candidates are advised to re-check the filled up information. 
  6. Any mistake by the candidate in the application form may result in the rejection of the application.
  7. Each candidate is allowed to apply through a single application from therefore the mistakes may cost the candidate their enrollment.
  8. Candidates are to take out a print out of the application form which is to be kept as an insurance by the candidates.
  9. Admit card for the written exam is released after a month of application.
  10. Admit card is to be produced by the candidates during the day of examination.

The candidates are advised to go through all the information that has been provided which is required for the candidates to obtain the proper knowledge and the information regarding the recruitment process and the eligibility criteria for the post of the constable,Sub-Inspector of the RPF under the service of the Indian Railway.

Candidate who are troubled by any sort of queries are suggested to come forward so that we are able to provide the individual with the proper information for the RPF recruitment of the Indian Railway.


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